
Persimmon salad


5 or 6 Fuyu persimmons
most of a fennel bulb & some of the fronds
about half a small red onion
4 or 5 purple & pink radishes, of various sizes
seeds from about a quarter to a third of a large pomegranate
microplaned zest of 1 Meyer lemon, & a little bit of the juice
1 shallot

Mandoline persimmons, fennel, onion & radishes. The persimmons & fennel can be marginally thicker than the onion & radishes, which should be as thin as possible.

Combine everything in a bowl, except for the fennel fronds & shallot. Put the shallot shavings in a bit of sherry vinegar & leave for a few minutes, then add olive oil, salt & pepper. Mix together, pour over the rest of the salad, & toss to dress.

Spread out prettily in a large, shallow serving dish & decorate with fennel fronds.


My granny is one bad-ass urban homesteader.


She’s been farming the hell out of her backyard patch of Phoenix desert for 40+ years.


I don’t know how much longer she’ll be able to keep doing it.


For now, though, she sent us home with a suitcase full of veggies.